By Minou Tpain

Training #1

Author: Denise Partlow

Instagram: @modernk9 Carolinas

We see this scenario all of the time….
Family brings home a puppy, it is absolutely magical-excitement and love fills the air but this tends to fizzle out after the novelty wears off and what was once magical is now dreadful. The family begins to wonder if they made the wrong decision. This typically happens because we wait too long to establish rules and proper leadership. We want to let the puppy “just be a puppy” with the best intentions but the wrong perception.

The moment your puppy walks through your door is the moment she becomes your responsibility. You now must teach the puppy her role within your family; within out human world. This puppy will be with you for the next 10-15 years, so you must put serious thought and effort into puppy training starting on day one! This will help to establish a solid foundation for the future. This does not mean we are requiring disciplined obedience, this is the time to set your puppy up with basic obedience through play, training & socialization.

Do not be fooled….training will happen one way or another, whether you are involved or not, but it all depends on you- would you like to help mold your puppy into a well-mannered companion or one that is unruly, difficult and frustrating?

In the beginning you will need to be patient but encouraging, fair, flexible and consistent. There may be times that you will feel impatient but do not show it. Be slow to anger. Help to make the transition into her new home smooth, quiet and unforced. Follow a strict routine and schedule to help your puppy be successful.

Avoid high amounts of stress and harsh discipline. Do not be lax with the potty training schedule and limit pampering and coddling. These can all lead to serious problems in the future.

And do not be intimidated by your lack of experience or understanding of dog behavior. Do not allow this fear to prevent you from getting started. Take your time, learn what you can and seek help from a professional trainer if needed.