By Minou Tpain

Stop Yelling

Yelling at your dog can have adverse effects on his behavior in all areas, but especially with recall.

We want our dogs to have positive associations to their names and the verbal cue you use such as “come” or “here”. Typically when we teach the dog this command we use a happy, cheery tone-mostly because we are relaxed during the training. But in real life, many of us change that tone. Instead, we call our dog in a nervous, anxious, frustrated or angry voice. Since we know our dogs are all about benefiting themselves, this is a situation where your dog would not feel that it would be beneficial to come back towards you; so they don’t. And when that happens, we get even more upset leaving the dog with a negative association to your recall verbal cue. It no longer means fun exciting things happen, your dog is most likely thinking bad negative things happen when my owner uses those words.

This is where I always tell my clients that no matter what, even if your dog is doing something jerky, you will always need to pretend that everything is fine and call them using the same tone you always use. You have to help your dog believe that every single time their owner calls them wonderful things happen-even when it’s not. This can definitely be hard, we are emotional beings but that’s why it’s important to practice and incorporate major challenges in your training so that not only your dog is prepared but you are prepared on how to handle stressful situations.

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