By Minou Tpain

Old Dog

As we’ve discussed in previous posts myelin is what insulates the neurons in our dogs’ brains that gives their actions speed and precision but with age, myelin starts to split apart.

This is why as they get older you will start to see that they move more slowly. Their muscles haven’t changed necessarily but the speed of the impulses they can send to them has changed.

Fortunately they always maintain the ability to add more myelin through practice. When they’re younger they can build myelin more easily but as they age more degeneration begins but even when it starts to break down, they can still build it right to their last day-this is why the adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is not necessarily true.

It is important that when our dogs are young we put them through training, we continue their training and provide them with as much learning as possible. More learning creates a super thick circuit which will help to compensate for the breakdown as they age or in the early phases of a disease.

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