By Minou Tpain

What dogs do

Lower your stress levels
Help you to not feel lonely
Lower your blood pressure
Reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke
Keep you active & outdoors
Make you feel younger
Boost your self-esteem
Encourage social interaction

The list goes on and on.

Do you feel that what you give back matches this?

If they do all of this for us, then why not do more for them? If they extend the longevity of our lives, then why wouldn’t we want to do the same for them?

Putting a roof over your dog’s head and feeding them every day just isn’t enough.

Dogs need play, training, structure, exercise, healthy food, water, protection, interaction and love.

I think we owe them that much!

#dogtraining #dogneeds #doglover#loveyourdog #trainyourdog