By Minou Tpain

Genetics Matter

Author: Denise Partlow

Instagram: @modernk9 Carolinas

Genetics play a huge role in a dog’s personality but it’s important that we understand that it is not the only thing that determines how your dog will be as an adult.

The way you train is a huge determining factor as well, in fact, the way you nurture that dog‘s specific personality is what’s going to matter the most. You may see a litter of puppies, find a dog that is super confident, motivated and driven but with poor training you can royally mess that dog up.

Same goes on the other end, looking at a litter of puppies you may find the one that is crouching in the back, nervous with life but if nurtured appropriately, that dog can turn out to be a wonderful companion that is willing and motivated to accept new challenges.

Genetics matter but the way we train matters more.

#geneticsmatter #geneticsmemes