By Minou Tpain


Author: Denise Partlow

Instagram: @modernk9 Carolinas

Believe it or not, pets get sunburns too, and just like with people, it hurts and can even lead to skin cancer, especially those with short or light hair coat. If you are planning to spend a day out in the sun, first, limit your dog’s exposure when the sun is at it’s strongest and apply sunblock to the areas that have the least amount of fur such as bellies, ears, and nose. This should be done 30 minutes before going outside & applying every 3-4 hours. Use only sunscreens made specifically for pets.

You might think shaving your dog is a good solution to beat the heat, but a pet's coat is naturally designed to protect it from too cold or too hot temperatures. It is OK to trim the fur, being careful to leave at least a full inch of hair-this will help to protect your dog’s skin from sunburns. And it is equally important to stick with a regular grooming schedule-no matter the season. 

Tomorrow we will discuss Summer safety at the beach!