There can be so many different reasons why dogs decide to fight within a household, so this is just a general overview. A lot of times we focus on what’s wrong with the dog but most of the time it has more to do with a problem in the relationship between the dog and the owner. There typically is a lack of leadership. The owners love their dogs and want what’s best but they just aren’t sure how to communicate with their dog.
To get started, management will be the first step. The owner will need to prevent the dogs from getting into aggressive situations, so it’s important to know what the triggers are and who is the aggressor. This can be resource guarding, a dog that is unable to read another dog’s signals or even just an outlet for a frustrated dog. In order to manage, they have to be separated in the beginning by rotating free time (by using a crate or closed off room) and when absolutely necessary, keep them both tethered to a different human if they must be in the same room for a few seconds but they should never be together loose or unsupervised.
Next, it’s important to take a look into the communication system the owner has with each dog. How much does the dog really know? How many commands has he/she practiced? Can the dog follow through with simple commands? How much impulse control does the dog have?
A proper system of communication is linked to a dog’s obedience. When a dog does not understand the words that are being delivered to them it can cause a ton of insecurity and anxiety.
In addition, without proper leadership the dog is only going to view the owner as a roommate, therefore they are less likely to listen to or care what the owner is saying.
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