By Minou Tpain

Are you ready?

Author: Denise Partlow

Instagram: @modernk9 Carolinas

While the saying usually goes the more the merrier, having a multi dog household can also present a whole new set of challenges and problems.

Before you make the decision to get a another dog, there are some factors to take into consideration.

-Would you be able to stop your dog from doing something undesirable without conflict?

-Do you have a successful way to communicate with your dog?

-Does your dog understand your expectations?

-Does your dog look to you for direction?

-Have you been able to successfully implement a daily structured routine for your dog?

-Are you able to provide your current dog with enough physical and mental stimulation on a daily basis?

If you can answer yes to all of these questions then it sounds like you might be ready to add another furry friend to your pack! But when you do it is important that you can continue to say yes to all of those questions for each individual dog, as well as when they are together.

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