By Minou Tpain

LLW p2

Author: Denise Partlow

Instagram: @modernk9 Carolinas

Once your dog is doing a great job of following you within the home, now it’s time to start practicing some doorway manners.
The way that we exit the home is extremely important. If your dog is exiting the home on a level 7, there’s no way you’re going to get him back down to a level 2, if anything, that energy level is only going to sky rocket.

So take your time here. Help your dog to lose the expectation that just because the leash is on & you’re heading towards the door that it means you are heading out for a walk.

Here is where we will spend another week just hanging out with the front door open.
You can shorten this practice to just a few days if you’re able to practice this several times a day. You can also choose to combine this with Part I.

No need to say anything to your dog. Let this be a calm moment. If he eventually lays down, that’s awesome, go ahead and reward; but you don’t have to, you can just enjoy the peace. If there is a lot of activity outside your door that your dog seems to be somewhat focused on, you can practice the activity “engage/disengage”. (DM me if you need details).

If your dog is doing really well and has stayed quite calm, you can advance this by stepping out of your house with your dog for 30 seconds and then going right back in. You can keep going in and out of the house. You can also repeat the whole process all over again by approaching the door from the inside and waiting until your dog is calm till you exit.

Remember, now is not the time to go for a regular walk. We are trying to help reshape our dog’s perception of what it means when we approach the door or when we have a leash on.

For tomorrow’s post, we will talk about what to do once you head outside.

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