By Minou Tpain

Don’t repeat

So many of us feel like we are losing control when our dogs don’t “listen” so we feel it necessary to repeat ourselves over and over. And most of the time when this happens, our tone of voice changes into something less than happy; the result….a dog that won’t listen.

Repeating your verbal cue over and over can have negative effects on your training.

For one it can be confusing to your dog, especially if they are just learning. You may accidentally teach them that the verbal cue is “down down down” instead of just “down”.

Another reason is you begin to devalue your words. We already speak way too much to our dogs and this is just adding to the nonsense.

There are times where you might have to repeat it, so in those circumstances, make sure there is a long enough pause in between or add a different sound in between to break it up. (Example: “down” “ah-ah” “down”).

If you find yourself repeating your commands, don’t worry you’re not alone, so many of us do it. But it is good to take that first step in becoming aware of the mistakes we make in training❤️

#sayitonce #dogteaining101 #dogteainingtips#dogtrainingadvice