By Minou Tpain

Real Life

Author: Denise Partlow

Instagram: @modernk9 Carolinas

Up to this point we have been utilizing dogs that were well mannered. Unfortunately, every dog you encounter is not going to be that way, so now it is time to prepare your dog for real life.

Passing by a dog that is reacting, pulling, lunging, barking or snarling is going to be a lot more difficult on your dog. But fortunately, you have been preparing for this moment all along.

All of the strategies are going to be exactly the same. Go right into action the moment you see a dog in the distance-don’t wait to see if he’s going to have a reaction- start getting your dog’s focus, marking and rewarding. If it’s easier for your dog, put him in a sit or a down- if it’s easier for him to walk on, then keep walking on & hold his focus by rewarding or by holding food to his nose and rewarding once you have passed.

Once you can successfully do this within your own neighborhood or area, then you can start practicing these scenarios out in public-if that is a goal of yours. However adding in a new environment can be stressful for your dog, so you may have to go back to the earlier stages and just work with your dog in that environment a few times without dogs and then slowly incorporate dogs using the same steps.

Once I felt my Doberman was ready, I started finding as many training classes, clubs, gatherings or opportunities with other dogs out in public as much as I possibly could. I still do, even today, because training is for life! The more training you can give your dog in a controlled environment, the better.

While dog training classes can be an excellent opportunity to practice with your dog, it shouldn’t be the first step. Often times training classes can be too overwhelming for a dog that hasn’t had any of this practice, but once you can hold your dog’s focus when there are dogs around, then you are definitely ready for that next step.

This is the last of the posts. I hope you were able to walk away with at least one helpful tip. Good luck and reach out if you have any questions.


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